This year I finally managed to attend the Weed Walk! It was lovely and very informative. I knew many of the plants but got to learn about many new ones as well. The tour of Pennsic plants included several types of clover, bird's foot trefoil, soapwort, broadleaf plaintain, wood sorrel, poke berry, crown vetch, thistle, golden rod, milkweed, coltsfoot, creeping charlie, elderberry, red dock, jewelweed, swamp vervain, boneset, white clover, iron weed, yarrow, golden rod, horsetail, heal all, skunk cabbage, Indian pipe and a few I am likely forgetting.
I love learning how to better identify plants in the wild, and hope over this next year to learn more about their uses in the Middle Ages. I want to see these bits of nature as a 14th century person would have viewed them and better understand their value from that respect. Hoping to start building out my own database of information from various sources that my persona might have studied in period.
I love learning how to better identify plants in the wild, and hope over this next year to learn more about their uses in the Middle Ages. I want to see these bits of nature as a 14th century person would have viewed them and better understand their value from that respect. Hoping to start building out my own database of information from various sources that my persona might have studied in period.