More will hopefully be added after I get additional permissions from people to post their pictures to the page!
A Wandering Elf |
My original site exploring both Viking Age textiles and clothing and discussing topics relevant to the SCA.
In addition to the List of Links for Atlantia's 12th Night ( I have compiled a Pinterest page with examples from art, extant pieces and some wonderful work by individuals in the SCA. More will hopefully be added after I get additional permissions from people to post their pictures to the page!
![]() The Kingdom of Atlantia is having their 12th Night in an awesomely local location (DC) and even more awesomely, it will have an Ottoman theme. I will post more details as they are offered, but I am very excited about this event! To aid those who want to pursue and authentic look for the event, I have compiled a list of links that can help them. Additionally, I have a WIP Pinterest page that will have images of art, extant items and members of the SCA displaying their wonderfully period attire. Ottoman Costume:
“The Costumes of Ottoman Women” – site with a downloadable PDF as well as many images of period art. Some falls outside of the SCA time period, but there is a great deal of information on costuming for an Ottoman persona. "Ottoman Turkish Clothing handout" - Mistress Safiye Konstantiniyye's hand out on Ottoman clothing. Her files (including diagrams): Look at her amazing photographs here: “Images of Turkish and Ottoman Dress” – site with images pertaining to men’s Ottoman costuming of the 16th and 17th Centuries. “Dar Anahita” – extensive site by Mistress Urtatim bint 'abd al-Karim al-hakim al-Fassi that covers clothing, food and persona information for many cultures in the Middle and Near East (including Ottoman). Included are pattern links, recipes and images of both art and extant textiles. “The Ottomans” – excellent site covering both the history and culture (including clothing) of the Ottoman Empire. “Ottoman Clothing in SCA Period: An Overview” – Information on Ottoman costume, layers, construction and fabrics. Ottoman Empire Clothiers Facebook Group: Coat Pattern: Instructions for making an Ottoman or Persian coat as well as other layers to complete a look. “Ottoman Turkish Garb: An Overview of Women’s Clothing” - Image heavy handout about Ottoman costume. Contains both diagrams for clothing construction and period examples. “Ottoman Turkish Coats” – Information on layers, fabrics and construction: Henna in 16th c Ottoman Turkey - “Çintamani” – Article abut Ottoman decorative motifs. Includes image of art and extant textiles: Extant Textiles and Garments: Freer/Sackler gallery Style and Status Exhibit links: Slide show from the Ministry of Culture in Turkey showing extant caftans and textiles. Look closely at the dates as some items are out of period. (The Next button is in grey in the lower right corner): Ottoman caftans and shirts: •Photo gallery of Imperial Ottoman caftans: Turkish Cultural Foundation – Images of extant textiles and clothing (some are post-period): Extant Persian Chemise (Pirahan): 16th cent. caftan fragment -;ISL;uk;Mus03;42;en The Art of the Ottomans before 1600 – Metropolitan Museum of Art: •Imperial garment- “Silks from Ottoman Turkey” – Met museum page with images and information on period and out of period Ottoman silks: “Caftans – Ottoman Imperial Robes” – blog entry about Imperial Caftans with images of extant coats: For those choosing to be a Persian or other visitor to the Ottoman Court: Persian Costume: “Persian Clothing of the 16th Century” – Duchess Roxanne Farabi’s guide to Persian clothing. Master Rashid’s Persian Patterns: “Pre-Mongol Persian Costume Or 11th and 12th Century Seljuk Dynasty Costume” – Earlier period Persian costuming with many fantastic images from period art and diagrams for creating the correct looks. “Recreating the Costume of Medieval Persia” – Image heavy site with period art and diagrams for reproducing the looks seen in art. Persian Clothiers Facebook Group: •Persian University: Egyptian Costume: “Life Under the Fatimids: Clothing, Women’s Undergarments, Veiling and…A Winter Image of Fatimid Cairo!” – Information on Fatimid Egypt and the clothing including appropriate layers. General Middle Eastern Costuming Information (Including Myths): “Pre-1600 CE Middle Eastern Garb Do's and Don't's” – a nice guide for ascertaining what is and is not period and on how to improve one’s period wardrobe. - about “Mistress Safia’s Garb Haven” – site with a collection of images, links and articles for Middle Eastern Garb. Middle Eastern Dance Guild: Garb Page – Includes both images and links for garb sites. “A Step further from Fantasy”: Guide to many of the “Middle Eastern” looks you see in the SCA and how to take steps toward creating a more period wardrobe. “An Overview of Middle-Eastern Garments of the Middle Ages” – Listing of costume components for various time periods and regions. “Dar Anahita” – extensive site by Mistress Urtatim bint 'abd al-Karim al-hakim al-Fassi that covers clothing, food and persona information for many cultures in the Middle and Near East. Included are pattern links, recipes and images of both art and extant textiles. “SCA Near Eastern Cultural Myths” – Mistress Urtatim’s list of myths concerning both culture and costume: My Shire's clothing guild has a Facebook page that now includes documents for sharing links for various time periods/regions for garb. I added my Viking links to it today, and while I am at it, I am also adding them here. I pulled these about a year ago, so need to add in quite a few more that I have found since. Hopefully will do it in the next couple of weeks!
General Links: Hurstwic - overview of both men's and women's clothing: Viking Answer Lady: clothing from Russia: Viking Clothing from Russia: Non-english site with Viking clothing drawings: Non-english site with some fantastic images (from Finland I think): Reenactment Groups: Vikings of Bjornstad: Anglo-Saxon and Viking Reenacting (Great site!): Lothene - Experimental Archeology: The Vikings Reenacment Group: Oxford University Reenactment Society: Non-english site with some fantastic images (from Finland) The Vikings Reenacment Group: Oxford University Reenactment Society: Fantastic Photo Galleries from a European Group: Ravensborg - US based group with a focus on research and experimental archaeology: Men's Garb: Birka Style Men's Kaftan: PDF with three period styles of men's pants: An Archaeological Guide to Viking Men's Clothing: Viking Tunic Reconstruction: Birka Style Tunic: Tunic and hood from Skjoldehamn Find: Men's Viking Coat: Tunic construction and decorative seam finishing: Archeological Guide to Viking Men's Garb: Women's Clothing: Viking Women (possibly one of the most comprehensive documents on the web) 10th Century Viking Style Apron Dress 900 AD Viking Apron Dress Viking Kaftan Clothing for Gunhilda Adeleva Amberstar's Pelican Ceremony Molly's Viking Dress Norse Dress Historika Varldar (non-English but nice images): Reconstructed Viking Woman's Outfit Images of Norsewomen Reconstructing a Hanging Dress Reconstructed Finnish Costume Reconstructing a Viking Dress Viking Female Costume Interpretations Viking Dress Styles for Reenactors Norse Apron Dress Apron Dress Undergown Viking dress Simple Clothing for Viking Women
Simple Clothing for Viking Women
Textiles/Dyes/Stitches Textiles of the Oseberg Ship: Viking Age Dyestuffs Dark Age Colors Dark Age Stitch Types Archeological Sewing Natural Dye Colors Coloured Clothes in Medieval Scandinavian Literature and Archaeology Dark Age Colours Medieval Textiles Gallery Dark Age Fabrics Embellishment Tablet Weaving Gallery (Amazing brocades!) Mammen Embroidery Birka and Snartemo Tablet Weaving Viking Embroidery Stitches and Motifs Birka Style Tablet Weaving Hallstat Tablet weaving Anglo Saxon Embroidery Applique tutorial Silberknoten - wire woven embellishments for garb: Accessories Norse Age Belts (class notes) Medieval Hoods Footwear of the Middle Ages Belt Pouch from Birka Viking Beads Norse Accessories Viking Silk Cap Medieval Hoods Hedeby Hood Historic/Scholastic/Museum Sites British Museum - PDF of items on loan for Viking exhibit in 2014 Viking Women University of Oslo (Sciringes - Norway's first town) Collection of Viking era images from various places The Viking Society (web based versions of their publications) Extant box brooch Replicas of jewelry from Sweden Vikings - The North Atlantic Saga Norse Burials Viking Horde Viking Recreation Article Historik Museum - Turtle Brooch with fabric loops Cambridge History of Western Textiles Vol 1 (Google books, I recommend buying the whole book!) Denmark National Museum Denmark National Museum Scandinavian Gold Medallion Journal of Archeology (some period weaving info) Photo site for the collections in the Norwegian museums(AMAZING): Photos from Viking York: Blogs Jenny Dean's Blog - author of Wild Color:
Merchants Bibliographies and Recommended Books Viking Garment Bibliography: Finnish Viking Bibliography: |
About Me
I am mother to a billion cats and am on journey to recreate the past via costume, textiles, culture and food. A Wandering Elf participates in the Amazon Associates program and a small commission is earned on qualifying purchases.
July 2024
Blogroll of SCA & Costume Bloggers
Below is a collection of some of my favorite places online to look for SCA and historic costuming information.
More Amie Sparrow - 16th Century German Costuming Gianetta Veronese - SCA and Costuming Blog Grazia Morgano - 16th Century A&S Mistress Sahra -Dress From Medieval Turku Hibernaatiopesäke Loose Threads: Cathy's Costume Blog Mistress Mathilde Bourrette - By My Measure: 14th and 15th Century Costuming More than Cod: Exploring Medieval Norway |