During my search I came across Icelandic pencil roving called Plötulopi. It was fairly inexpensive so I opted to get a spool of it to test out.
I am in love. It is a very thin strand, would make a nice lace weight single. With a TINY bit of drafting though, I was spinning it super fine. I am already devising more projects for which to use this stuff!
As it is, I have over 600 yards of this natural golden/heathery color. It should spin up to 600 as any take up from the twist is being counteracted by my slightly drafting it. Because I am only drafting a bit, and it is so uniform, it is actually spinning quite quickly and this makes me happy.
After I spin both wheels of roving, I will ply them and then dye half of it with madder and warp up for some tablet weaving.