To take a step backwards, I want to mention that the reason I chose this direction at this time is that I once saw someone post that the average number of beads in graves in Denmark was 8. I always wondered where that figure came from (it was information that just kept getting passed around) but I suspected this was the source. I think that I was correct in my assumptions as the book lists 48 graves with beads (most of which also have things like brooches or keys which are considered typical of female burials). Unfortunately, 12 of those were graves covered by Vedal's work, and only list "beads" without a number. The average number of beads per grave based on the remaining samples is 8.27 (with the lowest being 1 bead and the highest being 50).
Now, what I actually find more interesting is the number of beads in graves with evidence of oval brooches. According to the summary of the book, there were 36 pairs of oval brooches, 22 single oval brooches and 4 unmatched pairs in the graves. In graves containing some form of oval brooch, the average number of beads per grave goes up to 13.92 (based on those graves that have at least one bead). There are many graves with brooches by no beads (only 21 graves had both brooches and beads).
Two other interesting bits of information jumped out at me as well. One was that coins were used as pendants in 3 graves and bracelets appear in 11 graves (with two graves having multiple bracelets).
I have some more materials coming soon and still have many things I need to go over but I hope to expand on this particular line of research as time goes on.