However, I wanted to put the reminder out NOW that Pennsic is coming and they have revised the website AND the rules.
Further, they are likely going to be making some additional rules revisions as well (and have said as much).
If you are considering going to Pennsic, go read them.
AND, then go read them again in a few months.
One of the biggest revisions is to minors and the age they can free range (thanks to destructive packs of beasts last year). If you are a parent of a minor that attends Pennsic, it is on you to know and adhere to the new rules.
The night driving policies from last year will also be in place again (and prolly forever).
And did you hear? They are building a new permanent registration building! Lots of changes coming! And no, you do not have to like all of them, but you do need to be aware of and follow them.
And also, registration hours on site are NOT 24 hours. After Land Grab Friday hours are 8am-10pm through Wednesday 8/6. At 10pm that night reg/troll is CLOSED and you are not able to check-in, get your medallion or anything. This is not new, but folks seem to think it shouldn't apply to them because they rolled in at 2am for 15 years....