Since then, I have done copious amounts of research. I have upgraded my brooches 3 times, replaced my swag with reproduction beads (and far less of them) as well as more period appropriate pendants, when I use them at all. I have added additional accessories such as bracelets and period shoes, as well as headcoverings. This aprondress is covered in herringbone stitches, so it has been passed on to someone else and I am using more period embellishment when I chose to add accents (which is not that often).
Most importantly, I have learned, from the ground up, how textiles were made in period. I have learned to spin and weave. I have put together classes on how wool now differs from period wool and what types of textiles you can look for when shopping so that might get you a more period look and drape.
And there is still so very much more to learn, to experiment with and to too keep carefully, and thoughtfully, upgrading my kit. Yes, it took a decade to get here, but I am pleased with what I have learned and with how I can implement it (as well as how I can share it with others).
I cannot wait to embark on another decade of this wonderful journey!