My class on Viking wool seemed to go very well. Honestly, 2 hours was not enough to let folks really have time to play with the tools themselves, so it might be a bit longer for Pennsic. There were some fantastic questions from people and one woman gave me some information that I did not previously have for possible evidence for period fulling of wool (so I get to do some more research myself, which is fantastic). I will be scheduling my classes for Pennsic this week and am really crossing my fingers that AEthelmearc War Practice is in the cards for me this year.
While at University, I took a class on the Hedeby tunic, taught by Ragnvaeig. It was very good and has given me some ideas for further tailoring my own underdresses. I cannot wait to start playing new pattern layouts. And I am also now armed with some information (or at least as much as I am going to get) about some plaid found at Hedeby so I am already planning on future weaving projects.