The food was very good, especially the mushroom-cheese pastries and the meat dumplings.
My favorite thing about the event was, as always, getting to hang out with friends. Quite a few folks from my household were there, and I also got to spend time with some people I only see at war and a few new friends who share my geeky tastes in projects!
ETA - Now that I am not so tired from the event, I have to comment that the garb at this event was outstanding. SO many people made garb that fit with the theme (and for many of them it was their first Ottoman attire ever) and there was a very nice, period feel to the entire event because of the effort of many people in their dress. It makes me genuinely happy to see how far Middle Eastern garb has come in the SCA!
Below is a photo of myself (right) and the lovely Samira Shuruk. She is wearing one of my linen coats and I have on my new coat and gomlek (with and older hirka and pants). | And I have to include this photo of Samira dancing for those out there who think that dancing in period garb looses something ;-) |