The event was full of pageantry, good fights, and closed with a lovely Court. One of the things that I found to be rather fantastic though, was how quickly people were willing to step in and help.
When I arrived on site with the goods for the hospitality tent on Saturday, Master Morien McBain was there to assist as well as a newcomer and her daughter. The truck was quickly unloaded and we were able to get things set up so that the first round of coffee could be ready for those in need.
Later that day I was enchanted to listen to Mistress Morwenna explaining Crown (and many SCA traditions) to another newcomer, who had also pitched in to help that day, and her daughter also spend much of the day helping in the kitchen.
Petra (a fairly new SCA member from my household) baked a huge amount of what was served at the hospitality tent. She helped set up and worked there all day AND was helping in the kitchen. Once we closed up that tent for the day, she dashed off to the kitchen to help clean up there. This was only her third (I think) non-Pennsic event. (I also know she spent her entire first event helping with the Queen's Lunch and then all day in the kitchen!)
Lady Rosamund also contributed wonderful baked goods and sekanjabin, as well as her camp coffee expertise to the day.
Finally, when we went to break down the hospitality event we had all the assistance we could have wanted. People who had come by several times for beverages and snacks made a point of coming to help us break down. I also had people who I never saw there stop to assist. It was very smooth. I thank everyone for the help (and that goes for the awesome Sylvan Glen set up crew as well).
This willingness to pitch in and volunteer (especially from newcomers!!!) is really what makes the SCA an amazing place. Thanks to everyone who made the weekend spectacular!