Table of Contents
1. Marianne Hem Eriksen, Unn Pedersen, Bernt Rundberget, Irmelin Axelsen and Heidi Lund Berg: Viking Worlds. Things, Spaces and Movement
2. Neil S. Price: From Ginnungagap to the Ragnarök. Archaeologies of the Viking Worlds
PART I. Real and ideal spaces
3. Lydia Carstens: Powerful Space. The Iron Age Hall and its Development During the Viking Age
4. Joanne Shortt Butler: Húsdrápa. A Skaldic Poem in Context
5. Asle Bruen Olsen: Courtyard Sites in Western Norway. Central Assembly Places and Judicial Institutions in the Late Iron Age
6. Sofie Laurine Albris: Place Names and Settlement Development around an Aristocratic Residence. Thoughts from an On-Going Study of the Hinterland of Tissø
7. Marianne Hem Eriksen: The Powerful Ring. Door Rings, Oath Rings, and the Sacral Place
PART II. Gendered things, gendered spaces?
8. Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonsson: She Came from Another Place. On the Burial of a Young Girl in Birka
9. Patrycja Kupiec and Karen Milek: Roles and Perceptions of Shielings and the Mediation of Gender Identities in Viking and Medieval Iceland
10. Heidi Lund Berg: ‘Truth’ and Reproduction of Knowledge. Critical Thoughts on the Interpretation and Understanding of Iron-age Keys
PART III. Production, exchange and movement
11. Bjarne Gaut: Manors and Markets. Continental Perspectives on Viking Age Trade and Exchange
12. Ben Cartwright: Making the Cloth that Binds Us. The Role of Textile Production in Producing Viking Age Identities
13. Unn Pedersen: Leadworking in Viking-age Norway
14. Stephen Merkel and Andreas Hauptmann, Volker Hilberg, Robert Lehmann: Isotopic Analysis of Silver from Hedeby and some nearby Hoards. Preliminary Results
15. Leszek Gardela: Vikings in Poland. A Critical Overview