I personally have only a few small sewing projects left. As I have mentioned before, I learned many years ago that too much of a mad dash before War actually diminishes my enjoyment of the event. So I will be wrapping things up and then will just putter with packing.
Oh, and writing. I have the next Sheep breed post almost ready. I need to wash some fleece samples this weekend and then hopefully get the photos taken so I can post it early next week. I would love to get an additional sheep article added before Pennsic as well, but we shall see.
And then there is Haberci... For those who do not know, this is a newsletter that I publish annually that lists all of the classes, roundtables, gatherings and haflas of interest to those in the SCA who study the arts and culture of the Middle East. It was born many years ago out of necessity and it was so well received that the tradition has continued. With fewer haflas happening, and the new University listing that allows you to create custom schedules, the publication has become less necessary.
I have to mention that if there is indeed a Haberci this year, there will be no more print versions of this publication. The cost is too extreme and while a few people have generously helped cover some of it in the past, it really is too steep to produce on in that manner (each paper copy was costing over $1 to print and consider that there have always been between 250-500 copies for distribution... well, you can do the math). If there are enough events happening to make it worth producing this year, I will be offering it up as a PDF download prior to Pennsic, and there will be laminated copies to view at Cafe Merhaba and at Touch the Earth.
Now it is time for me to step away from this computer and revamp my packing lists yet again. :-)