I am pleased to announce that once again, we will be opening up the "THING" for new teacher and class registrations, as of Febuarary 1 ( seriously, I mean we open on Feb 1 -- if you register or have registered any classes before then they'll just be thrown away, with the test data on the last day of January! Please wait until February!)
There are a few new processes that you will have to go though to register. Including a series of statements of University policies, which has been made unfortunately necessary by problems we had with teachers not being properly aware of those policies.
As always, at any time, if there are any questions you can email me at [email protected] ( this is a new email address... the old gmail one will not forward, so please update your contact lists.)
At any rate, this has been an announcement that we will open for class and teacher registrations on Feburary 1 (barring some technical meltdown we have not foreseen)
Thank you
Captain Elias Gedney
Chancellor of the University,
Pennsic 46