This post will likely not appeal very much to the most authenticity focused reenactor, as the recent find is a 25% silk, 75% linen blend (something not seen in the Viking Age), but I personally do not like most silk veils. I particularly dislike habotai silk for veils (or any garb), because I find that despite being light weight, it is woven densely enough that it does not breath well enough for me. If you sweat in it, it will glue itself too you for an afternoon of misery. For this reason, my veils are linen or wool, both of which I love.
Recently, I went online to purchase another wool veil from Amazon (I talk about these beautiful items here ). The color I wanted was gone so I went in search of other options and came across these inexpensive linen/silk veils. Mine arrived today and, yes, I am buying more as soon as I am done with this post. This veil weighs nothing. It is extremely sheer, and has enough silk that it has a very lovely shine. Honestly, in the SCA environment, this could pass as silk if no one was right in your face. They are 39"X79", which means you can easily turn this beast into two veils, or two veils and a cap depending on the size of your veils (I prefer shorter ones). I bought the green (the first scarf linked below). It is a bit more earthy than the image online, which actually works well for me. I look forward to testing this out in the Pennsic heat! (If the links do now show below, you might need to disable an ad blocker to see them.) |
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