- Introduction. Conference: ‘Textiles and economy in the Middle Ages’. Copenhagen, 19–21 April, 2012. John Styles
- The missing link. The distribution revolution of the 15th century. Stuart Jenks
- Hanseatic textile production in 15th century long distance trade. Angela Ling Huang
- Textile production, organisation, and theoretical perspectives on trade in the Scandinavian Viking Age. Eva Andersson Strand
- Silk trade to Scandinavia in the Viking Age. Marianne Vedeler
- Weaving wealth: cloth and trade in Viking Age and medieval Iceland. Michèle Hayeur Smith
- The dual crises of the late-medieval Florentine cloth industry, c. 1320–c. 1420. John Munro
- Trade with Fustian. Kilian Baur
- The flax and linen of medieval Novgorod. Heidi M. Sherman
- Technology and textile production – from the Viking Age and the Middle Ages – Norwegian cases. Ingvild Øye
- Cloth production and cloth trade in Hanseatic towns with regional and non-regional products reflected in normative and other sources. Rudolf Holbach
- Cloth in the large cities of medieval Poland – production and trade. Jerzy Maik
- Luxury for everyone? Embroideries on leather shoes and the consumption of silk yarn in 11th–13th century northern Europe. Gitte Hansen
- Brides, donors, traders: imports into Anglo-Saxon England. Gale R. Owen-Crocker
- Noble customers of cloth at the Frankfurt fairs around the year 1500. Thomas Ertl and Michael Rothmann
- Shopping in the early modern North. Shops, shopkeepers and their customers in 16th century Malmoe and Elsinore. Camilla Luise Dahl