A few highlights on new happenings with the event are below:
- Dates for War this year are different. The event is a week earlier than usual and one day shorter. That makes the event go from July 19 - August 3rd (SATURDAY rather than Sunday). LandGrab will still be Saturday the 20th, with pre-landgrab camping available Friday. Before folks start barking at the Coopers about the Saturday end date, note that it is not the Coopers that made that call, rather, it was the Pennsic staff who chose to do that to enable the volunteers more time to finish the necessary tear-down and clean-up. (If you don't like it, volunteer to help and, just maybe, that Saturday closing will not be permanent.)
- Classes will start on TUESDAY of Peaceweek, rather than Wednesday.
- Directly from the FB Page: "Yes, it is true that the Solar Shower is no longer Solar and the Solar Pond is gone. The showers are still there and better than ever now with an on demand hot water system that gives hot water all the time."
- Directly from the Page: "Yes, it is true that the Barn will no longer be used for Pennsic courts and events. The Coopers are building a brand new larger building for those purposes in N01--across from Dance. We are calling it "The Great Hall." All activities that were previously in the Barn will be scheduled for the Great Hall. The Barn will be hosting a fresh food market with a restaurant from now on."
- Directly from the Page: "Yes, the Coopers are constructing a water treatment facility at the bottom of Runestone Hill. Although it will eventually service the entire site, treating the well water to make it the equivalent of any city water (chlorine and all) this will of necessity be a multi-year project since it will tear up a great deal of ground to run the pipes to the entire site. For this first phase the water services will be in the areas immediately around the lake and in the central campground areas. And, no, there will be never be any "fracking waste water" brought into the campground for treatment."
- Regarding battles (this is reposted from the Eastern Warlord): Most Courteous Greetings All; We are finished as of this past Saturday with the Pennsic War Negotiations. The fighting will start on the Sunday of War Week with at least four champions battles. If you are on the Belted or Unbelted Team, or an alternate, please be on site and in armour or let me know ahead of time.
Monday will be the Field Battle. We will have five battles, each one worth a point, and switch sides of the field after each battle. We will try to have the Siege Engine competition and Rapier Champions as well. Tuesday will be BOTH Woods Battles. Armoured first, rapier second. We will be using the whole woods for the armoured battle, possibly for both. Final schedules are still being worked out. Wednesday is break day, although we may have to put some brief non-heavy list points there. Thursday will be the Tower Battle, a 90 minute resurrection battle with banners and a lot of points. Thrown Weapons and rapier bridge may also be then. Friday we will end with the armoured bridge battles. We may have to place one of the shorter non-armoured points here as well. The Pennsic SCA staff (not the Coopers) want us off site by Saturday, and off the field by Friday at noon. This is not carved in stone and if we need more time on the field Friday, we will take it to make the battles work. Also, Closing Court will be held there as well.
This is a rough schedule as we will need to make adjustments, especially if we get hit with bad weather. There are a lot of battles planned for everyone, so try and get into shape. Less bread, beer, and pasta, more veggies and protein. In the immortal words of Sir Sichelgaita von Halstern; "Move more, eat less."
In Service and Fealty to the East,
Feral von Halstern