The Asgardian News Bulletin publishes material relating to the studies of Medieval Scandinavia highlighting the areas involving Mythology, Religiosity, Literature, History, material culture, iconography and Archeology. In particular, we highlight the impact of the Nordic world of the Viking Era in the West and its repercussions to the present day, especially on art and the popular imagination. The newsletter is open to contributions from the academic community and the general public. The periodicity, starting in 2016, will be annual. Eventually, we publish special issues. The newsletter Asgardianas News was originally published between the years 2003 to 2007, being resumed from 2012 by the NEVE (Nucleus of Vikings and Scandinavian Studies) in a new format and with a new editorial team.
I cannot wait to further explore these documents!
You can find them here:
Vikings e Escandinavos (NEVE)