Usually at Pennsic I use a 16.5X16.5 marquee tent and my BF takes a Saxon Wedge (both tents are from Panther Primitives and both are awesome). Why two tents? Well, I have a garb explosion about 2 hours after I am set up and he doesn't like tripping over girl-stuff. I also tend to have people coming and going from my tent constantly and that interrupts his naps. The big tent, however, is very hard for me to maintain, and it is essentially just a massive closet (I don't even live in it half the time). So this year he ordered a second easy-to-set-up wedge (in GREEN AND PURPLE) that will house my copious amount of garb.
Of course, I now have to decorate it! New rugs have been purchased and I am weaving others. New (non-Middle Eastern) cooler covers shall be made, new furniture purchased... It is almost as exciting as making new garb! We will even eventually add carved wooden cross pieces to the front and back to make the tents more resemble actual Viking tents.
I also plan to paint the poles and decided that some designs stenciled on them would look fantastic. But guess what? There are no Viking stencils! Everything I can find is very clearly Celtic. (And yes, there is a difference in Celtic and Norse knotwork, and while some designs or motifs cross over, none that I could readily find as stencils would work as I wanted them too.)
So I decided I would cut my own. The problem, however, was cleaning up a design well enough (and making it symmetrical enough for my tastes). I am not used to using Adobe Illustrator and realized an hour into the project that I was just not cut out for this type of work.
So I emailed Stencil Planet to check on the cost of a custom piece. It was surprisingly inexpensive and I got the artist's proof a few days later and the stencil only 2 days after that. (It is a Borre style ring-chain border, for those who don't recognize it.)
I also, in the past, had purchased one of their house designs and had it enlarged. My household is Akeru Thunder and they had the exact lions we needed for our banners (photo below).
In all, if you need a stencil definitely check out Stencil Planet!