I made an inquiry to Heather, the owner of this shop, last spring or summer when I began collecting wool samples for my sheep breeds research. She had some Herdwick roving and I asked her if she had any raw fleece of that type. She did not at the time but made some other recommendations for similar wool (which, unfortunately, did not meet the needs of the current project).
A few weeks ago, however, I got an email letting me know that she indeed had Herdwick again. Very nice! I no longer needed it, but went to look at her other offerings and was in awe of the selection of rare wools that one could purchase by the ounce! I chose 5 of them and place my order. I could not be more happy when it arrived and I saw each wool wrapped nicely and in a pretty bag. She went one further though and had included a card with additional samples that she thought might interest me!
I placed another order last week and look forward to spring sheering (she has already let me know of some interesting and rare things she will be getting then).
If you are looking for rare or specialty wools for projects I cannot recommend The Fibre Mine