This class also made me think that I might expand the time for my "Step Further from Fantasy" class (the one that focuses on explaining what it is you often seen worn as Middle Eastern Garb in the SCA) and giving a more complete overview of late period Ottoman costuming during the second half of the class. I need to flesh out my layers handout, but I think it would be useful and well received.
I also turned in my first ever A&S food entry at that event. I did a Sheker Burek (and Ottoman pastry) and will be posting my paper and recipe here in the next week or so. I got great feedback from the judges, and some tips on improving my dough.
I am still working on finishing my ensemble for 12th Night, but the desire to get back to my Norse textiles research is causing an internal conflict. I am trying to work up two new classes for the summer. The first is already in the works and is a hands-on class for a small group covering Viking stitches (both for function and decoration) and the result would be a small pouch created during the class.
The second is the one I have been I have been researching and working towards for 2-3 years. It would be a class covering wool and textiles (and likely flax as well) for the Viking age. Covered would be sheep evolution, harvesting and processing wool, and textile production. There will be tons of samples to fondle and some demos of things such as spinning and weaving as well. They idea is to have a class that would interest both the general Viking costumer or a textile/fiber geek might like. I am incredibly excited about compiling my research and being able to present this in a digestible format that can hopefully