Last year, I learned that Æthelmearc was starting a Forestry Guild and a friend came out and prowled around the woods with me in garb. It sounded fun, but at the time, most of what I saw folks dowing was more akin to building survival skills than anything else and 15 mile hikes at the buttcrack of dawn where you have to build your own shelter to keep from freezing for the night are just not my speed. Once I started to learn more about it though, there are so many paths you can take! Period fishing, herblore, foraging, plants and animals, and more. Oh, yeah, and building out a period kit is actually an official part of it as well!
So yeah, that got me thinking more about it and suddenly I am knee-deep in a men's 14th Century kit and eating weeds from my back yard.
If you are interested in following along on my "wilderness" adventures, I started a sub-blog that can be found HERE.