I spent Friday helping load the RV to move over to the event site for Defender's Tourney where my BF and I laid out the smoker and prepared for him to start smoking pork at midnight for the feast. Yes, he smoked the meat for 16 hours (adding wood as needed every 1.5 hours all night long....) That pork was DIVINE and so worth it!
I was also official taste tester for Lady Rosamund's Viking Pancakes that night and also spent time playing with her new kitten and chatting with friends. The next day things got hectic as we started preparation for the other feast dishes. For the first time, I was responsible for how a couple of dishes actually came out (I have done dessert before for feast, but never a main dish). There were many compliments of my "Viking Beef Stew" so that made me happy. Much thanks to my uber awesome household for all the prepwork and their kitchen fantasticness! I saw little else of the event as I was cooking most of the time. I missed archery (so sad!), but I guess I can do that another day. I also missed the chance to really hang out with some of the folks there that I wanted to see. I hope I can catch up with them at War!
I was also unbelievably honored this weekend on several levels. I won the title of A&S Defender for Sylvan Glen and get to wear the lovely hood until next year. My piece submitted was the handwoven wool sample I did a few months ago using my handspun Icelandic weft (I will upload my documentation later). I am thrilled to be part of the Shire and touched to be given this title!
I was also completely surprised to find out that my duplicitous Matriarch, Household and the BigMan (I should know something is up when he asks me to get his regalia out, lol) had conspired to have my apprenticing ceremony happen at the event where I (muddy and covered with kitchen drippings) was taken as an apprentice by Mistress Mary Isabel of Heatherstone ("Molly"). That she would have me was an honor itself, but that she took the time to come out-of-kingdom to do this when I was surrounded by my Thunder family and my friends from the shire just took the words from me (and that is not an easy thing to do). I also saw in-person the belt she is weaving me and I was floored over not only the craftsmanship that is going into it, but in the fact that she is taking the time to create such a thing of beauty for me. Until it is finished, she has given me her own personal belt (in the photo) to wear. I guess I better behave because everyone will know who to report me to if I step out of line ;-)